Playtest Our Next Game in our Austin Studio!

Gunfire Games looking for experienced gamers in the Austin area to join us for a unique experience! If you’ve always wanted to get a sneak peek behind the scenes, this is your chance. Our team is looking for playtesters to come to our studio, play our latest project, and provide feedback that will directly impact the game’s development. Your thoughts, your feedback, and your perspective are crucial to creating something truly special.

If you're ready to be part of the process, we'd love to hear from you. Please fill out the survey linked below to be considered for this exciting opportunity. Your input could be the key to helping us deliver the best experience possible!

Remnant II Hotfix Notes: 453,438- 11/12/2024

--|Performance and Crashes|--

- Reverted FSR 3.1.1 to FSR 3.1 as it wasn’t working with Frame Generation.

--|Gear / Items|--

-|Weapons & Mods|-

- Fixed an issue where Bonesaw’s fire rate was incorrect.

-|Misc Fixes|-

 - Fixed an issue where players were unable to acquire the Meat Shake and other concoctions from Duane if they had the chef medal.

DEVNOTE: If you previously made the concoction or have the concoction in your inventory you cannot do the quest for it with Duane. Chef Medal no longer prevents crafting concoctions.

Remnant II Patch Notes: 451,008- 11/05/2024

 --|Performance and Crashes|--

- We have updated to support FSR 3.1.1.

- We have updated to support DLSS 3.7.20.



- Fixed an issue where Engineer and Warden summons were incorrectly applying pressure.
DEVNOTE: This issue was causing the Turret and Drone to take turns attacking.[/]

- Fixed an issue where Impact Cannon and Hellfire were incorrectly applying pressure.


- Fixed an issue where casting an Invoker skill sequentially caused communion to stop working.

- Fixed an issue where Medic Redemption skill glow was not turning off and could visually stack.

 --|Gear / Items|--


Repeater Pistol

- Increased Damage: 15 to 16
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.2 to 0.05
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 0.7 to 0.6
- Reduced Recoil Decay Delay: 0.13 to 0.06
- Increased Overall Accuracy (Still & Moving)

DEV NOTE: The classic Repeater was falling behind even though, with frame-perfect input from the player, it could deal a ton of damage. We lightened up the dexterity requirement by increasing the damage slightly. Overall, much more accurate as well.


Western Classic

- Increased WS Damage Bonus: 105% to 110%
- Increased Reload Speed: 1.15 to 1.3
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.4 to 0.2
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 1.6 to 1.05
- Reduced Recoil Recovery Delay: 0.1 to 0.075
- Increased Accuracy (Still & Moving)
DEV NOTE: Weakspot Damage Bonus Increase, Reload Speed Bonus, and an overall Accuracy Increase? Yes please! The Western Classic always had great burst damage. The buff to Reload will boost the sustain damage as well.

Service Pistol

- Increased Magazine Capacity: 10 to 12
- Increased Total Ammo: 110 to 120
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.2 to 0.15
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 1.15 to 1.05
- Increased Overall Accuracy (Still & Moving)
- Reduced Spread per shot

DEV NOTE: These are basically all Quality of Life changes. Service Pistol has always been a very high damaging sidearm, but the magazine was a bit small. We increased it while also making the gun more accurate.



- Increased Fire Rate: 2.1 to 2.25
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.275 to 0.165
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 2.15 to 2.05
- Reduced Spread per shot: 1.5 to 1.4
- Reduced Spread Decay delay: 0.19 to 0.135
- Slightly Increased Reload Speed

DEV NOTE: Properly befitting a true gunslinger, the Wrangler fires more quickly and can remain on target more easily. The overall damage increase is slight, but the handling adjustments should be noticeable for any fans of this Lever Action.



- Increased Damage: 70 to 105
- Reduced Fire Rate: 1.5 to 1.05
- Reduced Reserves: 49 to 35
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.2 to 0.15
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 4.0 to 3.0 - Slightly Increased Reload Speed

DEV NOTE: A huge adjustment to the true Hunting Rifle. All changes lead to much higher burst and sustain. The reduction in reserves was to help compensate and keep total damage in line, but it is important to know that it still deals more total damage than it did before due to the per-shot damage increase. Aim and be rewarded!


Tech 22

- Increased DMG: 8 to 9
- Reduced RPS: 16 to 15
- Increased Reload Speed
- Increased Magazine Size: 30 to 32
- Increased Total Ammo: 330 to 352
- Increased Min/Max Accuracy
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 0.4 to 0.3
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.4 to 0.1
DEV NOTE: If you ever wanted a scalpel disguised as a pistol… today is the day.


- Increased Reload Speed by about 18%

- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.6 to 0.25

- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 0.45 to 0.4

- Increased Accuracy (Still & Moving)

- Adjusted Reticle Size (Smaller)

DEV NOTE: Qualify of Life changes. More accuracy across the board. The reload will help with sustain, but burst remains the same.



- Increased Magazine Capacity: 37 to 40
- Increased Total Ammo from 190 to 200
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.45 to 0.2
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 1.1 to 1.05

DEV NOTE: Quality of Life changes to allow Blackmaw to remain a viable Primary option in a sea of great alternatives. Damage is basically the same, but you can damage for a bit longer, and stay on target much easier.


Chicago Typewriter
- Increased Fire Rate from 11 to 11.75
- Increased Reload Speed by 15%
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil
- Increased Reticle Contraction per shot
- Increased Accuracy at Max Reticle Contraction
- Added 0.25 Delay before Spread Enlarges

DEV NOTE: Fires slightly faster and reloads more quickly. The reticle contracts quicker as well so you can focus your fire sooner.

- Reduced Heat per shot from 0.02 to 0.01335

- Increased Heat Decay Rate from 0.5 to 0.7

- Increased Overheat Anim Play Rate from 0.7 to 0.8

- Increased Fire Rate from 9.5 to 9.65

- Increased Base Reload Speed by 10%
DEV NOTE: With the head adjustments, the LMG can now be fired for 75 rounds before overheating as opposed to the 50 before. Combined with the small Fire Rate increase, this increases burst, while the reload speed helps to increase the sustain. We also slightly reduced the penalty for overheating.


- Increased Reload Speed by 18%

- Reduced Recoil per shot: 7 to 5

- Increased Ideal Range: 15m to 16m

- Increased Falloff Range: 33m to 35m

- Increased Accuracy (Still & Moving)

DEV NOTE: Reload increased to up the sustain damage. Minor Quality of Life adjustments to ensure you can hit stuff while moving.


Ford's Scattergun

- Increased Fire Rate: 1.1 to 1.2

- Increased Reload Speed by about 5%

- Increased Magazine Capacity: 7 to 10

- Increased Total Ammo: 28 to 30

DEV NOTE: Ford doesn’t play… and now, neither do you.


- Increased Fire Rate from 2.5 to 3.5
- Increased Reload Speed by 5%
- Increased Falloff Range from 32m to 40m (Ideal remains at 10m)
- Reduced Recoil per shot from 4.0 to 3.15
DEV NOTE: Time to destroy anything that stands in your path. The goal here was to better convey the Auto Shotgun fantasy. You be the judge!



- Increased DMG: 110 to 115
- Increased WS Bonus: 110% to 115%
- Increased Stagger Bonus: 10% to 20%
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.25 to 0.15
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 5.0 to 3.5
- Increased Reload Speed
- More Responsive Fire after Reloading

DEV NOTE: Some changes to better reward accuracy, and some accuracy changes to assist in putting the damage where it’s most needed. This pocket sniper was already strong in certain builds and should stand out even more with the changes.



- Increased Damage: 125 to 150
- Reduced Recoil: 7 to 5
- Reduced Recoil Speed: 100 to 75
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.4 to 0.25
- Slightly Increased Reload Speed
- More Responsive Fire after Reloading

DEV NOTE: A considerable damage increase to help the Sniper Rifle remain as a viable one-shot damage option. Between the damage and reload increase, this weapon will be hitting hard and do it much more frequently.


- Increased DMG: 120 to 125
- Increased Projectile Speed: 15000 to 16500
- Increased Reserves: 27 to 30
- Increased Ideal Range: 23 to 26
- Increased Falloff Range: 70 to 75
- Increased Stagger Bonus: 10% to 20%
- Slightly Increased Reload Speed

DEV NOTE: With the Widowmaker increase, the Crossbow also needed some love to allow it to remain enticing. It now hits a bit harder, can hit from farther, and can do it more often. The Stagger was increased to help balance out the single-shot nature.

Trinity Crossbow
- Increased Fire Rate from 0.635 to 0.78
- Reduced Recoil per shot from 1.0 to 0.65
- Increased Projectile Speed from 12000 to 15000
- Increased Ideal Range from 22m to 24m
- Increased Falloff Range from 65m to 70m
DEV NOTE: The damage of Trinity was always decent, but getting the bolts where you wanted them was tricker than intended. Besides increasing the fire rate, we reduced the per-shot recoil so more of your bolts can hit the intended target. The Projectile Speed increase will also help the bolts get to where you want them sooner.

Royal Hunting Bow
- Increased Perfect Charge Damage Scalar: 1.7 to 1.8
- Increased Overcharge Damage Scalar: 1.4 to 1.45
- Increased Stagger Bonus: 5% to 10%
DEV NOTE: The Royal Hunting Bow was falling off a bit compared to some of the other options. This should bring it up to par while still providing a bow that can use Standard Mods.

Bolt Driver

- Increased Pre-Burst Fire Rate
- Increased Ideal Range: 17m to 18m
- Reduced Horizontal Recoil: 0.2 to 0.15
- Reduced Vertical Recoil: 0.65 to 0.55

DEV NOTE: The changes to this weapon increase both the burst and sustain damage. The Pre-Burst fire rate is not the “Wind-Up”. It is the time after shooting which happens between each shot, before the Wind-Up begins. What this means is that the gun recovers a bit faster between shots, thus increasing damage output.


Repair Tool

- Increased Ideal Range: 15m to 16m
- Increased Heat Decay: 0.33 to 0.5
- Increased Heat Decay Delay: 0.05 to 0.075

DEV NOTE: Minor Quality of Life changes to make the gun more than just a Drone buffer. The Heat Decay allows the gun to cool down much faster between shots.


- Increased Damage: 200 to 250

- Increased Reload Speed: 1.25 to 1.35

- Reduced Max Spread from 6 to 5 (17%)

- Fixed Reticle Visualization (was too large)

DEV NOTE: Returned to HEAVY HITTER status.



- Increased Reload Speed: 15%

- Increased Overall Accuracy

- Dramatically Increased Moving Accuracy

- Gravity Core: Increased Base Damage: 350 to 750

- Gravity Core: Increased Add Damage: 250 to 500

- Gravity Core: Fixed Suck/Explosion Range (was previously halved)

- Gravity Core: Reduced Mod Cost: 1500 to 1000

DEV NOTE: Perhaps today is the day this thing actually kills some stars!? Accuracy Buffs for the Primary to make it more appealing. The Mod has gained significant damage buffs and is most likely going to kill you and your friends. We fixed a bug that was causing the range to show as twice as large as it was. The range is now as large as the original value said it was, which means we doubled what it was actually doing before.



- Increased Reload Speed by 25%

- Increased Fire Rate: 1.7 to 1.85

- Increased Primary Shot Projectile Speed: 4500 to 6000

- Increased Charge Shot Projectile Speed: 9000 to 12000

- Loathe The Weak: Reduced Low Health Bonus by about 17%

- Loathe the Weak: Increased Projectile Speed: 6000 to 7500

- Loathe the Weak: Increased Duration: 10s to 15s
DEV NOTE: An overall boost to the Primary functionality and a slight reduction to the maximum damage that Loathe the Weak deals. Very powerful weapon.


Rune Pistol

- Increased Weakspot Damage: 100% to 105%

- Increased Pre-Burst Fire Rate

- Increased Magazine Size: 43 to 45

- Increased Total Ammo: 168 to 180

- MOD: Reduced Cost: 850 to 750

- MOD: Increased Orb Duration: 10s to 15s

- MOD: Increased Healing: 20% to 25%

DEV NOTE: A decent sidearm that was always hampered by the fact that it was generally considered to be primarily a healing option. The damage and functionality have been brought up to par and the healing has been buffed as well.



- Increased Damage: 62 to 70

- Increase Reload Speed by about 7%

- Increased Magazine: 7 to 8

- Increased Total Ammo: 49 to 56

- Reduced Fire Rate: 2 to 1.85

- Reduced Stagger Penalty: -25% to -10%

DEV NOTE: A few minor quality of life changes to buff the overall DPS and trash clearing ability. Should prove more versatile in more situations.


- Increased EXPOSE Duration: 1s to 3s per application

- Increased Sustain Fire requirement for EXPOSE: 0.25 to 0.65

- MOD: No longer applies EXPOSE

- MOD: Reduced Cost: 1500 to 1250

DEV NOTE: Since Sandstorm was applying EXPOSE, it ended up making the primary fire irrelevant. We increased the duration that the primary fire applies EXPOSE and removed the application from the Mod itself. It’s much easier to ramp up EXPOSE using the primary.



- Reduced DOT duration from 15s to 10s (Damage remains the same).

- MOD: Reduced Base Damage: 4 to 3

- MOD: Reduced Total Duration: 15s to 10s

- MOD: Reduced Base DOT Damage: 65 to 50

- MOD: Reduced DOT Duration: 10s to 5s

- MOD: Reduced Cost: 1250 to 1000

DEV NOTE: Like Monolith’s Sandstorm, the Mod was outclassing the benefit of the primary fire in every way. As an applicator that grants a 10% damage bonus, we wanted to make a few adjustments that toned down the strength of the cast-and-forget swarm. With the reduced duration on the DOT, it still deals more damage per second. The primary fire DOT remains damaging and damages more quickly.

Cube Gun
- Cube Shield: Increased Min Damage: 40 to 60
- Cube Shield: Increased Max Damage: 200 to 300
- Cube Shield: Reduced Mod Cost: 1000 to 500
- Cube Shield: Reduced Speed: 250 to 200

DEV NOTE: Only changes to the Mod. Cube shield now travels slightly slower and hits considerably harder both uncharged and charged (absorbing damage).

Black Greatsword

- Increased Base Damage: 115 to 120

- Increased Charge Speed: 0.5 to 0.33 per Stack

- Increased Damage per Stack: 25% to 30%

DEV NOTE: It takes guts to make a berserk change like this.



- Fixed an issue where Big Bang’s mod’s DoT was scaling 10x when paired with Legendary Prism.

- Fixed an issue where Healing Effectiveness did not benefit Red Doe Staff's lifeline mod and the Spirit Healer mutator.

Astral Burst
- Increased Charges: 2 to 3
- Increased Damage: 35 to 70
- Increased Weakspot Damage Bonus: 75% to 85%
- Reduced Bounce Bonus: 35% to 10%
- Increased Cost: 450 to 500
- Reduced Initial Spread
DEV NOTE: Astral Burst has been one of the weaker Mods for quite a while. These tweaks should bring it more in line as a versatile damage addition to close-range buids.

Knight Guard
- Increased Damage: 15 to 65
- Increased Duration: 20s to 30s
- Increased Cost: 450 to 1000
DEV NOTE: The Knights are here. Basically, we fixed a bug that was causing Knight Guard to deal the “default” damage. Now it deals the proper amount. With a huge damage buff, and a duration increase, we increased the cost to balance it out.

- Increased Duration: 15s to 20s
- Reduced Cost: 1000 to 750
DEV NOTE: Small balancing changes to make this more appealing.

Prismatic Driver
- Increased Beam Damage: 25 to 125 DPS
- Increased Explosive Damage: 150 to 300
- Reduced Hits to Explode: 6 to 4
- Increased Clear Delay: 1.5s to 3.0s
- Increased Clear Tolerance: 2m to 3m
DEV NOTE: Prismatic Driver was always meant to be somewhat of a weapon that works as an attachment to standard weapons. Huge damage increase. Clear Delay represents time between hits, and Clear Tolerance represents distance in-world that the shots can be apart.

Rotted Arrow
- Increased Base Damage: 75 to 110
- Increased WS Bonus: 125% to 150%
- Increased AOE: 1.5m to 4m
- Reduced Direct Hit AOE Delay: 0.8s to 0.5s
- Increased Cost: 400 to 500
DEV NOTE: A classic simple MOD, the damage fell off compared to other more powerful options. Should now be more competitive for more builds.

Concussive Shot
- Added Explosive Damage Tag
- Reduced Base Damage: 155 to 150
DEV NOTE: New builds unlocked!

Skewer 2.0
- Increased Impact Damage: 125 to 200
- Increased Trap Damage: 20 to 50 per hit
- Reduced Direct Hit AOE Delay: 0.75s to 0.6s
DEV NOTE: A damage boost to bring Skewer back into the light. There is a hidden Stagger Modifier (which has always existed) that will now be more obvious with the higher damage. In addition, the Trap Damage is huge.

Voltaic Rondure
- Increased Orb Damage: 20 to 30-
- Increased Lightning Range: 3m to 6m
DEV NOTE: Upping the damage and range allows Voltaic Rondure to absolutely shred trash mobs. Be sure to power it by shooting at it!
- Fixed an issue where multiple could be deployed, which was unintentional and caused issues.

- Increased Fire Line Damage: 55 to 150
- Increased Fire Line Duration: 5s to 10s
DEV NOTE: Uh… well then.

- Fixed an issue where Voidlight was not working in some boss fights.
- Fixed an issue where Voidlight functionality was not matching description.
- Fixed an issue where Voidlight was allowing multiple explosion triggers to occur.
DEV NOTE: We planned to fix some more typos instead of fixing this, but Chaos convinced us to make it work as intended! Καλά Χριστούγεννα!!!


 -|Trinkets, Mutators, Relics|-

- Fixed an issue where Tempest Conduit did not affect the damage of Superheated’s Pulse AoE.

- Fixed an issue where a player in a group was able to obtain Prismatic Stone Blue, however one of the players did not receive it, but could still not receive it when attempting again and would instead get scrap.

- Increased the Range of Burden of the Divine.
DEVNOTE: Internally, the range was a meager 10m. It is now 30m.


- Fixed an issue where Prisms were not able to be cleansed unless they were maxed out.

- Reduced the EXP requirement to level a Prism from 0-50 by about 50%.

- Reduced the EXP requirement to level a Prism from 50-51 (Legendary) by about 150%.
DEV NOTE: This change brings back the original Legendary EXP requirement.

Legendary: Altruistic

- Increased Shared Lifesteal: 30% to 50%

DEV NOTE: This change should allow players to create more powerful support / healing builds.


Legendary: Critical Situation

- Increased Critical Bonus: 25% to 35%
DEV NOTE: It's not too hard to get into the Light Armor Class while still having lots of armor. For some builds, this may be more enticing than some of the other damage options.


Legendary: Impervious

- Increased Damage Resistance: 20% to 30%

DEV NOTE: It's almost like having a free armor set!


Legendary: Jack of All Trades

- Reduced Bonus: 45% to 40%

DEV NOTE: A slight nerf for an extremely powerful and well-rounded Legendary option. Great for any build.


Legendary: Master Killer

- Increased Bonus: 1.25x to 1.35x

DEV NOTE: A noticeable damage buff that will outperform the other damage options given the right build and good aim.


Legendary: Sadistic

- Increased Chance: 25% to 50%

- Increased Damage Bonus: 50% to 100%

DEV NOTE: Combined with the Jack of All Trades reduction, this should make for a more interesting choice. Jack may still be more enticing due to the all-around bonus, but if you are going pure Status, you may want to give this a try.


Legendary: Sharpshooter

- Reduced Bonus: 75% to 60%

DEV NOTE: One of the 2 most powerful Legendary options in the game, this reduction should keep it viable, while not drowning out all other choices. Players now have a more meaningful choice between Sharpshooter, Jack of all Trades, Spectrum, Master Killer, or even Critical Situation.


Legendary: Spectrum

- Increased Red Bonus: 3% to 5% (All Damage)

- Increased Yellow Bonus: 3% to 5% (Movement Speed)

DEV NOTE: Players can now get a maximum of 45% All Damage or 45% Movement Speed if they build a Prism with entirely Red or Yellow. Even without building entirely into one color, the per-color bonuses are considerably more valuable.


Legendary: Speed Demon

- Fixed an issue that prevented Speed Demon from applying maximum speed bonuses.

DEV NOTE: Gotta go fast!


Legendary: Steel Plating

- Increased Armor: 100 to 150

DEV NOTE: This change brings the base Armor DR value up to 42.9% (from 33.3%). Since it is pure armor DR, it's more valuable when you have less armor, and less valuable when you have more armor.


Legendary: Unbridled

- Fixed an issue that prevented Unbridled from working with Engineer’s High Tech Prime perk.
DEV NOTE: While technically a Prime, we wanted to enable this like we did for other Skill Cooldown related elements.


 --|Boss Rush|--

- Fixed an issue where clients would not be able to select a buff to upgrade.

- Fixed an issue where client’s results would show up as no stats or name.

- Reworked Boss Rush EXP rewards for individual Boss Kills and Full Completion.
DEV NOTE: Players should gain considerably more Experience in Boss Rush for killing Bosses even without completing the run. 


- Fixed an issue where "You are dead screen" persisted and players didn’t respawn at the last checkpoint after dying in pitfall under fog door/arena entrance in Harvester miniboss encounter.

- Fixed several spelling mistakes.

 --|Misc Fixes|--

- Fixed an issue where Spark was not rewarding crafted items to all players.
DEVNOTE: We had applied a fix for this in the last patch, however it wasn’t a complete fix. Spark should be fully working now.

- Fixed an issue where Ancient Canopy sand room could become inaccessible for clients.

- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in a loop waiting for Meat Shake from Duane.
DEVNOTE: If you have the Chef Medal, you can no longer craft concoctions from Duane, the cooking quests are considered completed at that time. If you do not have a concoction, you will need to find it in your campaign.


With the Base Game and All Three DLC Packs, Fans Can Have the Complete REMNANT II Experience!

Redwood City, CA – September 10, 2024 – Arc Games and Gunfire Games are excited to announce The Dark Horizon, the third and final premium DLC for REMNANT II, as well as a free major content update that will include a new game mode, Boss Rush. Both will launch September 24 on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. The DLC will be $9.99, and the update will be available for free. The Dark Horizon marks the final pack in the DLC Bundle for REMNANT II, consisting of three DLC packs. With the base game and all three DLC packs, fans will be able to have the complete REMNANT II experience! Fans who purchased the Ultimate Edition of REMNANT II have access to all DLCs packs at no additional cost.

About The Dark Horizon DLC

In The Dark Horizon DLC, the upcoming and final DLC for REMNANT II, players will return to N’Erud and uncover a mysterious place preserved in time, where alien farmlands are tended by robots for inhabitants who have long since perished. But time corrupts all, and rogue AI and robotic creations threaten at every turn while Travelers search for the secrets of the colossal entity that dominates the skyline. In a brand-new storyline, players will need to uncover the secrets within the necropolis world of N’Erud. As they enter this new overworld, players will explore new dungeons, experience a new glider traversal system not found in other worlds, acquire powerful gear—including a new Archetype, “The Warden"— meet unexpected allies, and face new threats as they set off to defeat the colossal entity that watches over N’Erud!

Below is a detailed list of features for The Dark Horizon:

·         New Storyline, Dungeons and Area Based in the World of N’Erud: Delve deeper into the world of N’Erud and take on a brand-new storyline where players will enter a mysterious place preserved in time and search for the secrets of a colossal entity that dominates the skyline.

o   New Glider Traversal System: In this new overworld, players will be able to experience a new glider traversal system that allows them to navigate the overworld and uncover the origins of the ominous presence that lies above. With this system, players can choose which parts of the overworld they want to explore, including how they want to face off against the new world boss.

·         New Archetype – The Warden: When it comes to enhancing any playstyle, this new archetype, The Warden, and its secret weapon – The Drone – have you covered. The fully automated drone can shield, heal, or even attack enemies, making it the perfect partner to have on the battlefield. More details on the Archetype will be revealed in a new Archetype Reveal Trailer next week!

·         Many Items and Powerful Weapons that Enhance Gameplay: Outfit the Traveler to survive this more deadly version of the world of N’Erud by choosing from a host of new weapons and modifications, along with new items, like amulets and rings.

·         New Bosses, Characters and Fearsome Creatures to Encounter: Mysterious threats and survivors of unknown origin emerge from the long extinct civilization with rogue AI and robotic creations lurking around every corner bringing new challenges for all players.


About the Free Boss Rush Update

Along with the final DLC releasing on September 24, as part of a major update, a brand-new game mode, Boss Rush, along with major quality of life improvements will be launching for free across all platforms. Boss Rush will be a new game mode for players who want to get straight into the action and go up against bosses.

Players will have the option to play the mode either solo or with fellow Travelers via multiplayer, choose from three difficulty options (Triple Threat (a three-boss run), Trial by Fire (a seven-boss run) and The Gauntlet (a nineteen-boss run) -- and put their survival skills to the test. For the mode, the goal is simple yet extremely challenging: Successfully fight hordes of enemies, including an Aberration, to go up against bosses in the run to earn the elusive drops, including weapons, that you’ve been missing. Along the way, players will earn temporary buffs during the run that grant stat bonuses and/or powerful passive bonuses as well that will prove to be helpful.

Accessing the mode will be easy as players can head to the World Stone in Ward 13 and select Boss Rush (similar to selecting Campaign or Adventure). Here, players will choose their preferred difficulty and go into their run.

In addition to the new game mode, a new system, Prisms, will be introduced in the free content update. Prisms are a new feature to the rebalanced fragment system and can be leveled up to grant additional stat bonuses.

REMNANT II pits the last remnants of humanity against the harrowing forces of evil. The title evolves the co-op survival shooter with new unseen worlds filled with deadly surprises and encounters. Players join the battle to save humanity in a dynamically generated world filled with branching quest lines, unique loot, and overwhelming odds that encourage exploration and replayability, either alone or in three-person co-op. Players can define their own playstyle with an expanded Archetype class system and a wide assortment of guns, armor, and special augmentations as they overcome hard-fought challenges to stave off humanity’s extinction. 

REMNANT II is available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S with an ESRB rating of “M” for  Mature. To learn more about REMNANT II, please visit: or get updates at X, Facebook, and Instagram.

Remnant II and Remnant: From the Ashes are now available on PC and Xbox Game Pass!

We’re excited to share that both Remnant II and Remnant: From the Ashes are now available on PC and Xbox Game Pass.

Even more exciting, PC Game Pass and Xbox users can play together and your cloud saves can transfer between both versions!

DLC purchased on Xbox will transfer to your PC version as well. They will require a separate install than the base game. In the Xbox app on PC, if you search for Remnant, you can view all of the content available and install the DLC packs you own from there!




Highly Anticipated Sequel to Fan-Favorite Remnant: From the Ashes
Coming in 2023


Redwood City, CA – December 8, 2022 – Gearbox Publishing and Gunfire Games have announced Remnant II, the sequel to the best-selling game Remnant: From the Ashes, a third-person action-survival shooter that pits the last remnants of humanity against the harrowing forces of evil. Remnant II evolves the co-op survival shooter with new unseen worlds filled with deadly surprises and encounters. Join the battle to save humanity in a dynamically generated world filled with branching quest lines, unique loot, and overwhelming odds that encourage exploration and replayability either alone or in three-person co-op. Players will define their own playstyle with an expanded Archetype class system and a wide assortment of guns, armor, and special augmentations as they overcome hard-fought challenges to stave off humanity’s extinction. Remnant II will be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2023.


Remnant II plunges players deeper into a devastated world requiring a mix of methodical and frenetic ranged and melee combat against cunning enemies and punishing boss battles. Enter the fray as a lone-wolf or even the odds by teaming up with two friends to overcome daunting challenges. Each time players start a new playthrough of Remnant II they will be brought into a new world built from a wide pool of locations, enemies, NPCs, bosses, and weapons. These dynamically built levels allow for unique experiences as elements are woven organically into the world and narrative.


An updated Archetype system gives players more flexibility to their play style and lets groups better sync unique passive abilities and stunning powers together in co-op play. Multiple Archetypes can be unlocked, leveled up, and equipped together for a wider variety of play styles.


“It is awesome to once again partner with Gunfire Games on this highly anticipated sequel,” said Yoon Im, president of Gearbox Publishing San Francisco. “The studio’s passion for the Remnant franchise and their expertise at crafting compelling worlds along with engaging combat scenarios shines through in Remnant II. The game will be challenging and punishing, but most importantly, so much fun!”


“We are excited to delve back into the world of Remnant with the team at Gearbox Publishing,” said David Adams of Gunfire Games. “There are so many interesting stories to tell, vicious enemies to vanquish, exciting loot to grab, Archetypes to experiment with, and heart-pumping action for players to experience with their friends. We can’t wait for everyone to play it next year”


To learn more about Remnant II, please visit:



Founded in 2016, Gearbox Publishing was established with the goal of helping developers around the world bring their products to market while retaining their unique creative visions. The mission began with the critically-acclaimed Homeworld Remastered Collection for PC, and has since been followed by many partnerships that include Hello Neighbor, Astroneer, We Happy Few, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Remnant: From the Ashes, the Torchlight series, Have a Nice Death, Risk of Rain 2, Tribes of Midgard, and PlayStation® 5 launch title, Godfall. Gearbox Publishing remains committed to its mission to entertain the world and become the most developer-friendly publisher in the industry. The Gearbox Entertainment Company is a proud member of the Embracer Group AB family of companies, which is publicly traded at Nasdaq First North (EMBRAC B). For more information, visit


Gunfire Games is a PC, console and VR game developer based in Austin, Texas. The studio’s core team grew from the ashes of Vigil Games, best known for creating the Darksiders franchise as well as the best-selling Oculus Rift title, Chronos. Founded with a passion for creating games with great worlds, the team continues this mission with Remnant II. For more information about Gunfire Games and Remnant II visit

Chronos 6 year Anniversary!

It’s been 6 years since the release of our first original game, Chronos! This was built for the ground up as an Oculus VR title. When we started development on this title we knew we wanted to create a rich world to explore, deep lore and tight combat. From initial development to completion we had less than a year of development time.

The world of Chronos served as foundation for our most recent game, Remnant: From the Ashes. A more robust and larger experience, Remnant’s deep lore and world wouldn’t have existed without Chronos.

Then, just 2 years ago we released a refined port of Chronos for non-VR platforms, called Chronos: Before the Ashes. This gave non-VR players a chance to see where it all started!

Check out the Developer Spotlight video below from just before the release of Chronos for the Oculus:

Remnant: From the Ashes - Two Years of Surviving

Hard to believe it’s been 2 years since Remnant: From the Ashes was first released. This is a game we had wanted to make for years prior to it’s release. If you played our VR game Chronos from 2016, or it’s non-VR version released last year, you can see the origins for the ideas of Remnant. The Dreamers, the World Stones, the boss fights, and the cryptic story telling. It all started here.

Then there was our Hit VR Game, From Other Suns, released 4 years ago in 2017. In that game we started to dabble with co-op(3 player, no less), shooter focused gameplay, a randomly generated world, and higher than average difficulty. Any one who has played From Other Suns can see the DNA of Remnant: From the Ashes in that game without a doubt.

The base game, new game modes and two DLCs later, we can’t believe the support we’ve received and the passion the community has shown for us and Remnant: From the Ashes. Thank you to all the players out there from everyone at Gunfire Games!


Remnant: From the Ashes receiving a Next-Gen Upgrade!

Greetings Survivors! We’re excited to announce that coming May 13th, Remnant: From the Ashes will be receiving a FREE next gen upgrade that will add the option to run the game at 4K resolution at 30fps the PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series X, or 1080p resolution at 60fps on both the PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series X/S!

Also on May 13, Remnant: From the Ashes will be available on the Microsoft Store App and the Xbox App for Windows 10, or accessed as part of the Xbox Game Pass for PC program -- each of which will have cross-play support with Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S players.
